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Автор - eleni707

in picture A, the man has got dark hair. In picture B , the man hasn't got dark hair .He's got fair hair


Проверено экспертом

Автор - galina572319


А - The man has got  blue jeans.

B - The man has not got blue jeans. He has got black jeans.

A - The man has got two shirts (An orange shirt and a blue one).

B - The man has not got a two shirt. He has got one shirt (blue)

A - The man has got а blue umbrella.

B - The man has not got a blue umbrella. He has got a red umbrella.

A - The man has not got a hat on.

B - The man has got a hat on.

A - The man has  got three rabbits.

B - The man has got one rabbit.

A - The man has got blue roller-skates.

B - The man hasn't  got roller-skates. He has got a mobile phone.

A - The man has got a camera.

B - The man hasn't got a camera. He has got a pair of pale-brown shoes.

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