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Автор - ololosha1745

Употребите где необходимо определенный или неопределенный артикль.
1. This morning I bought … newspaper and … magazine.
… newspaper is in my bag but I don’t know where I put … magazine.
2. … sun is … star.
3. Do you know … Wilsons? They’re very a very nice couple.
4. … river Volga flows into … Caspian Sea.
5. When we were on holiday? We stayed at … hotel. Sometimes we had our … evening meal at … hotel and sometimes we went to … restaurant.


Проверено экспертом

Автор - nunny
1. This morning I bought …a newspaper and …a magazine. …The newspaper is in my bag but I don’t know where I put … the magazine.
2. …The sun is …a star.
3. Do you know …the Wilsons? They’re a very nice couple.
4. …The river Volga flows into …the Caspian Sea.

5. When we were on holiday, we stayed at …a hotel. Sometimes we had our …
evening meal at …the hotel and sometimes we went to …a restaurant.


Проверено экспертом

Автор - Juliette3530
1. This morning I bought A newspaper and A magazine. THE newspaper is in my bag but I don’t know where I put THE magazine.

2. THE sun is A star.

3. Do you know THE Wilsons? They’re very a very nice couple.

4. THE river Volga flows into THE Caspian Sea.

5. When we were on holiday we stayed at THE hotel. Sometimes we had our evening meal at THE hotel and sometimes we went to THE restaurant.

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