Автор - tanya1110

Change the sentences in the active voice into passive.
Example: The team played the match very well.
The match was played very well (by the team).

1) John found a small silver box in the garden.

2) Mr Morrison hung the picture on the wall.

3) Jason learnt the poem by heart.

4) Our school football team won the final match with the score 5:2.

5) The girls did the exercises after class.

6) Barbara took these pictures while traveling in Africa.

7) Jane chose the blue dress because it was longer.

8) Mr Harrison built the cottage at the beginning of the 19th century.

9) Alice cut the cake into small pieces.

10) Mrs Biggs kept the old letters in a small green box.


Проверено экспертом

Автор - galina572319

1) A small silver box was found in the garden.

2) The picture was hung on the wall.

3) The poem was learnt by heart.

4) The final match was won with the score 5:2 by our school football team.

5) The exercises were done after class.

6) These pictures were taken by Barbara while travelling in Africa.

7) The blue dress was chosen because it was longer.

8) The cottage was built at the beginning of the 19th century.

9) The cake was cut into small pieces.

10) The old letters were kept in a small green box.

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