Автор - dianka0071

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Раскройте скобки,употребив глагол в требующей форме сослагательного наклонения.
1.We (not employ)people unless they (be) experienced and eager to work hard.
2.If they (approve)this delivery schedule,we (be able) to dispatch the goods within 7 days.
3.Sometimes if you (take) a chance,it (pay) off.
4.If they (promote) the brand better,they (gain) their share of market. But unfortunately.then can't.
5.What laws you (change) if you (be) the Prime Minister.
6.If we (break) into the Western market,our turnover (increase) substantially.So we should do our best to implement this plan.
7.If you (look) carefully at your copy of the contract,you (see) that this clause applies to you.
8.Unless we (meet)the debts by the end of December,we (force)to declare ourselves bankrupt.
9.We (accept)their terms of the agreement yesterday if they (prolong) the warranty period.
10.Will you inform them that if they (not settle)their account,we (take) them to court?


Проверено экспертом

Автор - nunny
1. We (would not employ) people unless they (were) experienced and eager to work hard.
2. If they (approved)this delivery schedule, we (would be able) to dispatch the goods within 7 days.
3. Sometimes if you (took) a chance, it (would pay) off.
4. If they (had promoted) the brand better, they (would have gained) their share of market. But unfortunately they can't.
5. What laws you (would change) if you (were) Prime Minister.
6. If we (broke) into the Western market, our turnover (would increase) substantially. So we should do our best to implement this plan.
7. If you (had looked) carefully at your copy of the contract, you (would have seen) that this clause applies to you.
8. Unless we (met) the debts by the end of December, we (would be forced) to declare ourselves bankrupt.
9. We (would have accepted) their terms of the agreement yesterday if they (had prolonged) the warranty period.
10. Will you inform them that if they (would not settle) their account, we (would take) them to court? 

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