
Проверено экспертом

Автор - ElskerNorge
I like going to school and I have some favourite subjects. But my most favourite is Maths. Some people won't understand it as they can say that Maths is boring. No, it isn't. First of all I'd like to mention that I'm the best in my class in Maths. I like to solve different problems and I am happy when I do it fast. Moreover Maths is necessary in our daily life. But what I like most about it is that once you find the answer, it never changes you see, two and two always equals four. It is clear and stable.You either get the right answer or not. Well, that's my opinion but there is no doubt that Maths is very important for everybody.


Проверено экспертом

Автор - Tulip1991
Hi ! My name is Jonathan. I am a pupil of the 4th form. I go to school six times in a week. We have many subjects at school. My parents and friends always ask me :"What is your favourite subject at school? " I honestly don't know what to answer ! For example, some of my classmates like PE and Maths and some like English and Art . But do you know that some of them choose their favourite school subject according to their sympathy for the teacher who conducts this subject? Do they like the subject itself or teacher's personality? It is difficult question. As for me , my aim is knowledge! Well, well ! What is my favourite school subject ? Perhaps, it is English? Because I am writing this essay in English. Or may be it is Russian? Because I think in Russian in my mind and then write these sentences in English. I think no matter what school subject is my favourite one . All of them are important for us and help us get physical and mental development. The most important thing for me is the knowledge that I get by learning these subjects. In conclusion, I absolutely agree with this saying: "Learning is the eye of the mind! ".

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