Автор - Citv

1.I want (finish) work early tonight. 2.I hate (wait) for buses in the rain. 3.Sam is reallygood at- (climb) 4. I really need (have) a holiday soon. 5.(park) a car in the centre of town is always really difficult. 6. We miss (live) by the sea. 7. Thank you for (be) so helpful. 8. Don't forget (lock) the door. (listen) to the radio while I'm doing the cooking 10. (share) a flat with friends is cheaper than 11. Let's go now. I'm worried about (miss) the train. 12. It was getting dark when we finished (play) football. 13. They've worked very hard (get) this party ready. 14. He refused (help) me. 15. (fly) is really good fun. 16. What's this for?' It's for (cook) vegetables. 17.I can't get used to (get up) before the dawn. 18, I'm sorry about (not invite) you. 19. There's a lot of work (do) on the new building.


Автор - alexandra2132
  1. to finish
  2. waiting
  3. climbing
  4. to have
  5. parking
  6. living
  7. being
  8. to lock
  9. listening
  10. sharing; living
  11. missing
  12. playing
  13. to get
  14. to help
  15. flying
  16. cooking
  17. getting up
  18. not inviting
  19. to do

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