Автор - nikitaniklysen

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Use the right pronoun to complete the sentences

1.I don't know these men. Do you know (пропушенное слово)?
2.Where is Tom? I want to speak to (пропушенное слово).
3.We live in Wales. (пропушенное слово) parents live with (пропушенное слово).
4.Ann,have you done (пропушенное слово) homework? Have (пропушенное слово) finished (пропушенное слово) yet?
5.I have bought nice fresh bread.Will you take (пропушенное слово) out of the bag?
6.They are in the garden.But where are (пропушенное слово) children?
Нужно срочно!


Проверено экспертом

Автор - Tulip1991
Use the right pronoun to complete the sentences

1.I don't know these men. Do you know ( him )?
2.Where is Tom? I want to speak to (him .)
3.We live in Wales. (Our) parents live with (us .)
4.Ann,have you done ( your ) homework? Have (you) finished ( it ) yet?
5.I have bought nice fresh bread.Will you take (it ) out of the bag?
6.They are in the garden.But where are (their) children?


Проверено экспертом

Автор - ElskerNorge
1.I don't know these men. Do you know THEM?
2.Where is Tom? I want to speak to HIM.
3.We live in Wales. OUR parents live with US.
4.Ann,have you done YOUR homework? Have YOU finished IT yet?
5.I have bought nice fresh bread.Will you take IT out of the bag?
6.They are in the garden.But where are THEIR children?

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