Автор - Маша1992

Ex. 48. Simple Past Tense: Wh — Questions. Write questions
to complete the conversation.
Model: A: As a child, (did, live, with your grandparents) did
you live with your grandparents?
B: No. My mother’s parents lived next door. My father’s
parents lived far away.
A:(Where, your father’s parents, live)?
B:They lived in the south of Turkey.
A:(What, your grandfather, do )?
B:He had a big farm there.
A:(work, long hours)?
B:Yes, he worked twelve hours a day.
A:(have, many animals on his farm)?
B: Yes, he had many cows, horses, and chickens. My grandfather
lived on the farm his entire life. It belonged to his father before
him. My brother and I visited him for one month every summer.
A:(What, his wife, do)?
B:My grandmother helped my grandfather with the farm. She
worked hard, too. She also brought up my mother and her
seven brothers and sisters.
A:(Where, your grandparents, live)?
B:Their parents arranged their marriage.
A:(When, they, meet)?
B:In the 1940s.
A:(have, a happy marriage)?
B:I think so. They never complained.
A:Are your grandparents alive today?
B:My grandfather died six years ago, but my grandmother is
still alive. She lives with my father’s older brother on the


Автор - filipp101
where did they live
what did he do
did he work long hours
did he have many animals on his farm
what did his wife do
where did they live
when did they meet
did they have a happy marriage

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