Автор - sanasavchenko1979

Unit 1
3a Complete the sentences. Use the Present
simple, Past simple or Past continuous form
of these verbs.
know leave live open put walk
1 When I walked into the classroom, I was feeling
really nervous.
2 1..
in the countryside now, but
last year I lived in a city skyscraper.
3 Marco ...................... the ring on Anna's
finger when I sneezed! I was so embarrassed.
...... (you what time it is?' the new
boy asked me.
5 While everyone... ................ their presents,
I took a family photo.
6 When she ........ ............. the hospital, she
was crying very loudly!
b Match the sentences (1-6) in Exercise 3a
to the story headings (a-f) below.
a The first time I met my best friend 4
b My brother's/sister's wedding
C A special family celebration
d My first day at school
e A new baby in the family
f The day we moved house​


Автор - sadmvnp32


1 When I walked into the classroom, I was feeling really nervous.

d My first day at school

2. I live in the countryside now, but last year I lived in a city skyscraper.

f The day we moved house​

3. Marco was putting the ring on Anna's finger when I sneezed! I was so embarrassed.

b My brother's/sister's wedding

4. "Do you know what time it is?' the new boy asked me.

a The first time I met my best friend

5. While everyone was opening their presents, I took a family photo.

C A special family celebration.

6.When she was leaving the hospital, she was crying very loudly!

e A new baby in the family


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