Автор - marchukviktoria

Помогите!! Либо Present Tenses, либо Future Tenses
1. I (see) Sandra at 8 pm tomorrow - we (go) to the cinema together.
2. The ferry (get) into Rotterdam at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning.
3. "Did you post that letter for me?" "I'm sorry. I completely forhot. I (do) it right now."
4. Don't tell her about the accident. She (tel) everybody else, I'm afraid.
5. Can you tell me when Ellis (be) here next week?
6. Do you think you still (do) the same job in 10 yeras' time?
7. We (have) our weekly meeting tomorrow instead of thursday next week.
8. In the future videoconferences probably (replace) many international gatherings.
9. I've got loads of work . I expect I (work) all night. And I'm not looking forward to it.
10. The international trade fair (open) on 9 April and (finish) on 1 May.
11. If you (learn) a foreign language, you (get) a better job.


Автор - Penetrate7
1. I will, we are going
2. gets
3. I will do
4. will tell
5. will be
6. will still do
7. are having
8. will replace
9. I will work
10. opens, finishes
11. learn, will get

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