Автор - dasha20031254

Помогите с письмом пожалуйста.

Your friend has become addicted to playing video games. He plays more than six hours every day. He never wants to do anything else and no longer hangs out with you. Write him a letter, in which: express your regret about the situation; suggest the ways to give up this bad habit; express your readiness to stand by and support. Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not use your real name or any personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way.


Автор - korunchyk


Dear Friend,

It has come to my attention that you your hobby might have turned into an addiction. Last time I spoke with your mother you she'd told me you play more than six hours every day and that makes me worry about you!

I know it's difficult to stop, but think about your friends who are missing you. Instead of playing video games the whole day I suggest we can go out and play football or basketball. I remember that you always wanted to be professional football player.

You can always count on me and if you need any help I'm here to support you even if it requires me to take your Playstation away!

Best Regards,


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