Автор - evgen3006

Помогите переделать предложения в Passive Voice


Автор - kajet

1. Millions of people watch this TV programme every week.  

This TV programme is watched by millions of people every week.

2. He published his first book three years ago.  

His first book was published by him three years ago.

3. The doctor will operate him on tomorrow morning.  

The doctor will operate him on tomorrow morning.  

He will be operated by the doctor on tomorrow morning.  

4. They are learning new words now.

New words are being learned by them now.  

5. They teach three foreign languages at this school.  

Three foreign languages are taught at this school.

6. Snow will cover die fields in winter.  

Die fields will be covered by snow in winter.  

7. They did not invite her to the party.  

She was not invited to the party.  

8. The workers are repairing the road.  

The road are being repaired by the workers.  

9. They closed the supermarket at 7 p.m. yesterday.

The supermarket was closed at 7 p.m. yesterday.

10. The teacher has checked our dictations.

Our dictations has been checked by the teacher.


1. They teach three foreign languages at this school.  

Three foreign languages are taught at this school.

2. The doctor prescribed her new medicine.  

She was prescribed new medicine by the doctor.  

New medicine was prescribed to her by the doctor.  

3. Our father has put all the books in the bookcase.  

All the books has been put in the bookcase.  

4. They have already discussed the novel.  

The novel have already been discussed by them.  

5. By the middle of autumn we had planted all the trees.  

By the middle of autumn all the trees had been planted by us.  

6. They will show this film on TV.  

This film will be shown on TV.  

7. I have not yet translated the article.  

The article have not yet been translated.

8. They broke the window last week.  

The window was broken last week.  

9. She is still using this old computer.  

This old computer is still being used by her.  

10. We shall finish this work on time.

This work shall be finished on time.

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