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Автор - mmashahod

текст как накрывать стол на английском языке?


Автор - mashfpritychen
 не уверена
 General principles of table setting  The main condition for serving - the convenience and expediency. It is important to have everything at hand and the hostess did not have to constantly run into the kitchen.  Each object has a serving their purpose and a specific place on the table. Spoon and knife (blade sharpened side to side dishes) are placed to the right of the plate, fork - the left. Spoon and fork is placed on the concave side of the table.  Diner plate put exactly opposite chair.  Fruits before the guests arrive on the table is not served.  It is desirable to lay the table the same utensils, but it should be borne in mind that the expensive dishes are not always appropriate and can cause embarrassment guest. It is necessary to provide for the presence of paper on the table and linen napkins.  For table requires a sufficient number of tableware, appliances and underwear, which should be kept in perfect order. At home, usually used porcelain, earthenware, crystal, glass, metal and plastic utensils.  Table for receptions served carefully. Utensils must comply with the general style of decoration of the table. Better to use sets. Cutlery can be cupro-nickel or stainless steel. As the number of required devices include lemon fork, butter knife, the blade for fish, salads, cakes, ice tongs, sugar. Table linen - tablecloths, napkins and towels.


Автор - АндрюшаxD
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