Автор - wprikoly

Поставьте в Present Perfect или Past Simple

(graduate) from university last month.
(be) a large earthquake in Japan in 1995.
I like to exercise, but I
(not/exercise) yet this week.
My brother
(never/go) to university.
John and Lisa
(be) married since 2010.
Recently, it
(not/be) very hot.
My brother
(not/be) to the dentist for a long time.
My wife and I
(be) married for 1 year. So far we
(not/have) any big problems.
I started writing my essay two hours ago, and I still
(not/finish) yet.
Check Answers

A: Where’s John? — B: I don’t know. I
(not/seen) him today.
(you/ever/be) to Hawaii? — B: Yes. Twice.
A: When
(you/get) your dog? — B: Last summer.
A: How long
(you/study) English? — B: Five years.
A: Do you know anyone who
(be) to Thailand? — B: Yes, my sister.
(you/see) my keys today? — B: Yes. I
(see) them this morning on the kitchen table.
A: Would you like half my sandwich? — B: I
(just/eat) lunch, so I’m not hungry. Thanks for asking though.


Автор - Espresso

ответы в скобках

Alan  (graduated) from university last month.

There  (was) a large earthquake in Japan in 1995.

I like to exercise, but I  (haven't exercised) yet this week.

My brother  (has never gone) to university.

John and Lisa  (have been) married since 2010.

Recently, it  (hasn't been) very hot.

My brother  (hasn't been) to the dentist for a long time.

My wife and I  (have been) married for 1 year. So far we  (haven't had) any big problems.

I started writing my essay two hours ago, and I still  (haven't finished) yet.

A: Where’s John? — B: I don’t know. I  (haven't seen) him today.


(Have you ever been) to Hawaii? — B: Yes. Twice.

A: When  (did you get) your dog? — B: Last summer.

A: How long  (have you studied) English? — B: Five years.

A: Do you know anyone who  (has been) to Thailand? — B: Yes, my sister.

A:  (Have you seen) my keys today? — B: Yes. I  (saw) them this morning on the kitchen table.

A: Would you like half my sandwich? — B: I  (have just eaten) lunch, so I’m not hungry. Thanks for asking though.

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