Автор - Dasha141008

Control work
1. We (to go on a tramp last Sunday.
2. Your brother (to go to the country with us next Sunday?
3. Mother (not to cook ) soup now.
4. We (to cook ) our meals on a fire last summer.
5. My sister to wash the dishes every morning.
6. When you (to go ) to work?
7. What you ( to prepare ) for breakfast tomorrow?
81 You ( to invite your cousin to stay with you next summer?
9. How you ( to help your sister last summer?
10. I to send a letter to my friend tomorrow.
11. Every morning on the way to school I ( to meet ) my
12. My friend ( to go to the library every Wednesday.
13. He (not to go ) to the country yesterday.
14. Why you (to go to the shop yesterday?
15. We ( to grow ) tomatoes next summer.
16. What you to do now?
17. He ( to sleep now.
18. Where your father to work ) last year?
19. You (to go ) to the south next summer?
20. He (not to watch TV yesterday.
21. Yesterday we ( to write ) a test - paper.
22. I ( to buy a very good book last Tuesday.
23. My granny (not to buy ) bread yesterday.
24. What you to buy ) at the shop tomorrow?
25. Don't make noise! Father (to work ).​


Автор - icanmakeitright



2.will go

3.isn't cooking

4.didn't cook



7.will prepare

8.will invite


10.will send



13.didn't go


15.will grow

16.are doing

17.is sleeping


19.will go

20.didn't watch



23.didn't buy

24.will buy

25.is working

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