Автор - 7441bbdc7a

Помогите пожалуйста сделать упражнение по английскому
Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму (Past perfect или past indefinite)
1)Nobody....(to come) to the meeting because Angela....(to forget) to tell people about it.
2) I...(to see) her before somewhere - I...(to know).
3) Because he...(not to check) the oil for so long, the car...(to break) down
4) She couldn't find the book that I....(to lend) her.
5) All the people that we....(to invite) turned up, and some that we....(not to invite)
6) They...(never / to find) where he...(to hide) the money.
7) It was a firm that I...(never / to hear) of.
8) When she...(to come) in, we all knew where she...(to be)
9) The lesson already...(to start) when I...(to arrive).


Автор - mitolllaprol


не нужно всё это


Автор - WiperZ



1)Nobody came to the meeting because Angela forgotten to tell people about it.

2)I saw her before somewhere - I known.

3)Because he didn`t check the oil for so long, the car broke down

4)She couldn't find the book that I lent her

5)All the people that we invited turned up, and some that we didn`t invite

6)They have never found where he hid the money

7)It was a firm that I had never heard of.

8)When she came in, we all knew where she was.

9)The lesson already started when I arrived

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