Автор - mcubrey15

Прочитайте разговор студентов и скажите, как долго каждый из них выполняет свою работу.

Например:Gary has been throwing away rubbish for an hour and a half.

Adam: What are you doing, Gary?

Gary: Throwing away rubbish. I started at half past ten, and it’s twelve o’clock now, look.

Melanie: I’m washing up. I’ve been doing it since half past eleven.

Adam: Sadie and I are tidying up. We started at half past ten.

Lisa: Has anyone seen a bucket? I’ve been looking for one since ten to twelve.

Gary: I think Alison and Jason had a bucket. They’re working in the garden. They’ve been there since nine o’clock.

Lisa:What’s Don doing?

Adam: He’s cleaning the stairs. He’s been doing that since Melanie started washing up.

Emma: And I’m repairing this toaster. I started at eleven o’clock, but it still won’t work.

Adam: Trevor’s mending the door bell. He began the job at about twenty to twelve.

Melanie: Daniel and Rebecca are brushing carpets. They started at ten.

Gary: Let’s all go out and have some lunch soon.

Adam: Good idea.


Автор - timkovak

1) Melanie has been washing up for 30 minutes.

2) Sadie and Adam have been tidying up for an hour and a half.

3) Lisa has been looking for a bucket for 2 hours.

4) Alison anf Jason have been working in the garden for 2 hours.

5) Don has been cleaning the stairs for 30 minutes.

6) Emma has been repairing a toaster for hour.

7) Trevor has been mending the door bell for 20 minutes.

8) Daniel and Rebecca have been brushing carpets for 2 hours.

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