Автор - klicenkodasha

маленькое сочинение из 7-10 предложений про компьютер также было бы хорошо если бы там описывались и минусы и плюсы....буду очень благодарна!


Автор - LessL

Our world
is constantly changing and new technology is gradually creeping into our
everyday life.Progress is
neither bad nor good taken by itself.The thing
is how we use its achievements, to the better or to the worse.Or rather
what effect those achievements have on us and our lives.Once rare,
computers have become an inseparable part of our life.You cannot
find a person in the modern world who has not heard the word «computer».They
greatly influence our lives and sometimes their effect is much more intense
than we realize.Our world
depends on sharing information, we can even say we live in the information era,
and without computers it will be impossible to get information quickly.To find
something out, you will have to go to the library and read lots of books in the
hope to come across the necessary information.Now it
sounds like a waste of time.Through the
internet you can find ads,movies and songs, news
etcWhat our
life will be in future if we stop using computers?We can say
that in some respect life will change for the better since we will spend more
time communicating with each other in real life.We will go
and visit friends and relatives more often and this will have even two positive
effects: first you can communicate with a real person, you can see and feel him
or her, and second, you exercise a little while moving and walking somewhere.Children
will play outdoors in the open air and will not sit still for hours playing
computer games as they often do now.On the
other hand, without computers our life will be worse.It will not
be so easy to communicate any more, and if your friend lives farther than 20 km
from you, it will be a problem to ever see him!A letter
will reach him in four days and the news won't be that fresh any more.Well, we
can continue thinking it over for a long time but from my point of view we
cannot do without computers now.What we
should do is to evaluate their effect on our lives and deliberately try to
eliminate the negative effects found.

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