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Автор - slavadubov2017

Срочно 40 баллов

Напишите простое сочинение 60 слов на английском "3 popular items of Russia" (например, матрёшка, Красная площадь, может быть что-угодно по вашему выбору).


Автор - aslizhatomarieva1878

Our doll is known all over the world. Many nations admire this toy, and the doll around the world, together with the bear, has become a symbol of a mysterious and incomprehensible Russia. For us, the matryoshka is something from childhood memories: it was taken apart, collected and forgotten. Just as our ancestors once forgot the sacral essence of this toy.

It turns out that this wonderful figure is not just a toy, but a sacred object, whose original purpose was forgotten by craftsmen, who for many generations kept the secrets of its production and form intact.

Red Square Even the most experienced travelers who have seen many amazing places on our planet agree that the famous Red Square in Moscow is one of the most beautiful and interesting places in the whole world. Located almost in the very center of Moscow, this area surprises with its magnificence. Stepping on its territory, every traveler supposedly finds himself in a truly fabulous place, enchanting with its majestic beauty during the day and burning with thousands of bright lights at night.

Since ancient times, birch is considered a symbol of Russia. Is it possible to imagine a Russian field without white birch standing alone? A Russian forest without a light birch grove? A Russian bath without a birch broom? But all these images associated with the birch, we have today, and the ancient Slavs treated the birch ambiguously, although they revered it at all times.



Автор - samira2765

a beautiful girl, smart boy, Green ground, red Apple , green cucumber ,delicious fruits,healthy vegetables,great city,fun people,well presented girl,big ball,red tomato,hard table,a small chair,a big Mandarin,a cold fish,a heavy object,a beautiful city

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