Автор - Hecca

Составьте вопросы. 1) The children will ski in winter. (Who? When?) 2) The forest is green in spring. (What? When?) 3) Rabbits wear white fur in wenret. (Who? When?) 5) I'll fly to Britan next month. (Who? When? Where?) 6) Yesterday we went to the park. (Who? When? Where?) 7) My friends will go to school tomorrow. (When? Where?) 8) Last year autumn was cold. (What? When?) 9) He swan very well two hours ago. (Who? When?)


Автор - snowberry31

1 who does ski in winter?

when do they ski in winter?

2. what does green in spring?

When the forest is green?

на самом деле эти вопросы полностью аналогичны.

я написала два примера, всё остальное образовывается также, только подставляй другие вопросительные слова


Автор - KM2709


a) when the children will ski?

b) who will ski in winter?


a) what is green in spring?

b) when the firest is green?


a)who wears white fur in wenret?

b)when rabbits wear white fur?


a)who will fly to Britain next month?

b)when will I fly to Britain?

c) where will I fly next month?


a)who went to the park yesterday?

b)when did we go to the park?

c)where did we go yesterday?


a)when will my friends go to school?

b)where will my friends go tomorrow?


a)what was cold last year?

b)when was autumn cold?


a)who swam very well two hours ago?

b)when did he swim very well?

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