Автор - maru52990

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A It’s a great buzz; I like knowing stuff and then being able to pass it on to the audience. I really enjoyed that on radio and at Newsround I really like mak­ing stuff enjoyable and understandable for kids.

В I only liked English and Art, that was it. I hated everything else — I really did. History, Geography, sciences — I hated them all. But I loved English.

С I did hospital radio and I spent a lot of time going to see bands. I was heav­ily into music.

D I was trying to get into radio so I didn’t write a lot. I got my experience in hospital radio and then got work experience at the local BBC station and the local commercial station. That’s where I started writing for news bulletins.

E When I was about ten, I’m not sure why but mainly I was really into radio and loved listening to it. I wanted to be one of the news broadcasters and I found out that to get into radio news you had to be a journalist. My dad want­ed me to be a lawyer.

F I worked as a broadcast journalist on Red Rose Radio in Lancashire. I was doing some journalist work during the course. The editor I worked for told me that the editor of Red Rose was looking for a journalist, so it was an exam­ple of how important networking is.

G I have been a researcher on the Guinness Book of Records and I also worked at BBC local radio stations and commercial stations. I worked as a correspon­dent for a news service that puts bulletins on mobile phones. Now I work for the Newsround website.

H The worst bit about this work is the hours. It is shift work (работа no сменам): and I don’t think it will ever change.

I You have to be very keen and very confident because of all the competition. Get as much experience as you can by working in the areas that you are in­terested in. If you are not going to go to college then you have to get a lot of experience. It’s harder to work your way up but I know a lot of people who have done it. It’s another route.


Автор - ilya1211
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